Detox Herbal Lung Cleansing Spray
Detox Herbal Lung Cleansing Spray
7 Natural Plant Extracts:
The HZA™️ BreathDetox Herbal Lung Cleansing Spray contains a powerful blend of 7 natural plant extracts. These extracts, including golden plum extract, oleanolic acid, and vitex calcium, work in synergy to target different aspects of respiratory health. They effectively reduce inflammation in the respiratory system, combat respiratory allergies, promote fluid secretion in the lungs, and assist in thinning accumulated phlegm and waste. Consequently, the trachea experiences smoother airflow, resulting in enhanced breathing and overall respiratory well-being.
✔ Focused Lung Purification
✔ Organic Herbal Blend
✔ Enhances Mucus & Congestion
✔ Alleviation Calms Irritation
✔ Diminishes Inflammation
✔ Boosts Respiratory Well-being
✔ Aids Effortless Respiration
✔ Comprehensive Body Detox
✔ Portable & Suitable for Travel
✔ Handy Spray Application
✔ Invigorating & Revitalizing Feeling